Air Warfare Pro – An Excellent Unity3D Air Combat Game Tamplate
The Air Warfare Pro is an excellent unity3d air combat game template and it supports running on mobile devices.
The Air Warfare Pro is an excellent unity3d air combat game template and it supports running on mobile devices.
The Air Warfare is an excellent unity3d air combat game template and it supports running on mobile devices.
This Fighter Weapon System is an excellent unity3d weapon system template designed for the fighter. It can help you create your own fighter game easily.
The Fighter Flight Template Pro is a unity3d flight simulation template which can help you create your own fighter game easily.
The Fighter Flight Template is an excellent flight simulation template which can help you create your own fighter game easily.
The Fighter Complete Template Pro is an excellent complete fighter template, which integrates The Fighter Flight Template Pro and The Fighter Weapon System Template.It can help you create your own fighter game easily.
The Fighter Complete Template is an excellent complete fighter template, which integrates The Fighter Flight Template and The Fighter Weapon System Template.It can help you create your own fighter game easily.It can help you create your own fighter game easily.
本人一直喜欢开发战争题材的游戏,在此简单介绍一下坦克履带模拟器(Tank Track Simulator)的工作原理:如果地形是平面,也就是说场景地形没有崎岖不平,坦克履带的移动效果完全可以采用偏移坦克履带材质的贴图来实现,即采用UV动画。如果地形崎岖不平,这时候如果开动坦克,履带就要有适应地形的表现效果,而不仅仅是偏移履带贴图,因此本人采用的方法如下:(1)坦克的履带是蒙皮,并且在每个轮子的正中心的位置都绑定了骨骼,并且刷好权重,当然绑定骨骼这一步骤我是在3dmax中完成的.(2)坦克轮子的运动采用轮体碰撞器来模拟.(3)游戏运行时,坦克的轮体碰撞器由于直接和地面发生接触,运行时相对于坦克自身的垂直方向会不断产生位移,那么就记录下轮体碰撞器此时的位置信息,再将此位置信息赋值给对应位置的轮子模型和对应位置的轮子骨骼,又由于相应位置的轮子骨骼是和履带蒙皮绑定在一起的,轮子骨骼相对于坦克发生位移,就会带动对应部分的履带发生拉伸或挤压的形变效果,这样坦克的履带就可以很好地模拟适应地形的效果.